Archive for the ‘random’ Category


Friday, June 20th, 2008

This is a very scary but brilliant science fiction short story. What a concept - an image that kills you if you remember it.

Sometime I'd like to write a story exploring and extending this concept, following a top-secret research group as they carefully reverse-engineer the Parrot to determine how to make images that can kill non-English speakers, and images which are more quickly acting. Their discoveries show the original to be an extremely crude "sledgehammer" for the human visual cortex and develop much clever and subtler images. Not all of them are deadly - some images can make people do things (immediately or in response to some later stimulus) before erasing themselves.

Yet another family of images creates particular emotional responses in their viewers - fear, joy, sorrow, comfort. One image in particular is programmed to make the viewer believe the image to be beautiful, and indeed test subjects report the image to be the most beautiful thing that they have ever seen - almost painful in its beauty. No-one who sees it ever feels quite the same way again, though most report the experience as positive - their spirits are lifted to know that such beauty is possible in the world. But if it is science that creates this effect, is it art?

Sugar rotation

Wednesday, June 18th, 2008

A while ago I was absent-mindedly twiddling a cylindrical jar of sugar that I used to keep at work (for tea purposes) and I noticed that when I rolled the jar across my desk it would stop quite quickly due to the friction of the sugar against itself.

Then I got to wondering what would happen if you put the jar of sugar on some sort of spit or lathe like device that would keep it turning over (not so fast that the sugar would spin around with the jar) and if the jar was a good insulator. The energy put in as rotation would build up in the sugar, heating it up and (presumably) eventually turning it into caramel. Weird.

XKCD movie

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

I love the comic XKCD. I have a dream that one day an epic movie based on it will be made. I suspect that to be true to the original, it would have to consist of a series of short vignettes, only some of which have continuity.

As well as the overarching themes of "romance, sarcasm, math and language" it would have to have sudden adventure, geeks, physics, love, dreams, surreal imagery, raptors, red spiders, lisp, dadaism, algorithms, tin apples, meat cereals, wikipedia, "your mom" jokes, references to Richards Feynman and Stallman, and quite possibly the the map of all ideas that anyone has ever had.

It would be truly awesome. But it's probably even more awesome in my imagination than it would be in reality.

How to find out is something is good or bad

Saturday, June 7th, 2008

When I want to know if something is good or bad, I often find that the fastest way is to look for the bad things that people have said about it. If the only bad things about it are obscure, contrived or ill-reasoned I know that it's likely the thing itself is good. If there are convincing arguments that something is bad, it probably is.

I suppose looking for the good things that people have said about it could be done in a similar way, but looking for the bad things seems to work better in my experience.

Random numbers

Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

A commenter asked how random programs like random song shuffle work. How can a computer (which follows the same instructions each time) have unpredictable behavior?

Well, to understand this, first think about how random numbers are generated in the "real world" outside of computers. One way to do this is to throw dice - as long as you don't do something tricky, most people would agree that that's a perfectly reasonable source of randomness.

Except that if you really think about it, it isn't really random at all. In principle, one could make a machine that throws dice exactly the same way each time and always get a double six. You'd have to isolate it from stray air currents, minor gravitational influences from passing traffic and so on (as needs to be done for many sensitive scientific experiments). If you think about it, the randomness you get from throwing dice is really just due to these kinds of factors (and the fact that we human beings can't control our muscles finely enough to exert precisely the same forces each time). So really, what you're doing when you're throwing dice is "amplifying" these unpredictable factors (air currents, position, throwing force etc.) so that any tiny changes in them result in an entirely different number coming up.

Computers generate random numbers the same way. Well, sort of - they don't simulate the physics of three-dimensional dice being buffeted by air currents and bouncing off things - they do something that doesn't require such a complicated program but the same principle is at work. One reasonably common one (not the best, but fine for uses such as games) is to multiply by 22695477, add one and then take the remainder after divison by 4294967296. If I give you the sequence 953210035, 3724055312, 1961185873 you'd be hard pushed to tell me that those numbers were generated by that formula starting from the number 42 (maybe not quite so hard pushed as telling me the precise forces acting on dice given the numbers that came up but you get the idea). Other random number generators use the same idea but with more complex formulae to make the patterns even more obscure.

The problem with this method is that (as with any computer program) given the same input you're going to get the same output every time. And indeed this was a problem with some home computers and calculators in the 80s - if you tried to use the random number generator right after turning the machine on you'd get the same "random" numbers each time. The solution is to "seed" the random number generator somehow. The usual method is to use the current time. While it's predictable in some sense, you will get a different random sequence every time in practice so for most purposes you will never notice a pattern.

For some other purposes (like generating cryptographic keys or passwords, which have to be unpredictable even to people who are trying very hard to predict them) just using the time isn't enough and you have to mix in other sources of unpredictability (or "entropy" to use the technical term). This is why some SSH clients ask you to bash on the keyboard or wiggle the mouse the first time they are run - someone who wants to intercept your communications would have to know exactly which keys you pressed and how you wiggled the mouse (with extremely high precision). This is very easy to get wrong (and difficult to know when you've got it wrong) and can lead to security holes. Hence the old saw that "generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance"! Some computers even have hardware built in which generates random numbers from unpredictable physical processes like thermal noise or quantum wavefunction collapse.

Once you've got a sequence of (pseudo-)random numbers evenly distributed over some range (for example 0 to 4294967295 in the above example) there are a variety of techniques to massage these into various different forms for different purposes. If you want an integer in the range 1 to 10 you can find the remainder after division by 10 and then add 1. If you want a random real number in the interval 0 to 1 you can divide by 4294967295. If you want numbers from a Gaussian distribution you can use a Box-Muller transform. And if you want to shuffle songs in your playlist you can start with an empty playlist and add a random song to it (removing it from the original playlist each time) until the original playlist is empty.

This last algorithm has a flaw in some sense (though it's more of a flaw in our brains). While all possible orders are equally likely, it will tend to play two songs in a row by the same artist more often than you would expect (just look at the bug database for any open source media player application to see the evidence for this). The problem isn't that the numbers aren't random enough, it's just that that if you have n artists in your playlist you'll see this phenomenon once every n songs on average. The problem is that we tend to notice this when it happens, and because the times when it happens stand out more than the times when it doesn't the problem seems to be worse than it really is. Another factor is that we are used to radio stations, which deliberately avoid doing this by hand-picking the order of songs rather than using a random shuffle. Some media player applications have appeased the complainers by actually making their shuffle features *less* random - adjusting the algorithm so it avoids picking orders which have two songs by the same artist in a row. This seems hacky to me, but if users like it I suppose I can't disagree with that.

Gun control

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

Lots of people in the media (especially in the US) say lots of things about guns. Here are my thoughts on the matter.

  1. Killing people is bad. One should try to avoid killing people as much as possible.
  2. Guns are, fundamentally, designed for killing people (some may be sold for other purposes but killing people is what guns were invented for).
  3. Because of (1) and (2) there is something inherently quite distateful about guns.
  4. So it is understandable that many people dislike guns and don't want to own one or be around people who have them.
  5. There are some types of weapons (such as nuclear weapons) which no individual should be allowed to own.
  6. There are some types of weapons (such as kitchen knives) which any non-incarcerated adult should be allowed to own.
  7. Not all weapons fall into categories (5) or (6).
  8. There are some people (those with criminal pasts, unsound minds or who are just not sufficiently responsible) who should not be allowed to own guns. Loopholes which allow them to obtain them legally should be closed.
  9. It would be impossible to ban all private gun ownership in the USA.
  10. When a national government bans all its citizens from doing something which was previously allowed and widely practiced, this is usually a bad thing.
  11. Because of (9) and (10), some people should be allowed to own certain types of gun.
  12. Even those who have had lots of training in the safe and proper use of guns sometimes make mistakes and shoot someone who is not a threat.
  13. Some criminals are not afraid of death, and will commit mass murder even knowing that doing so will get them killed.
  14. In practice, most of the people who want to own a gun and should be allowed to own one probably own one already.
  15. Because of (3), (8), (11), (12), (13) and (14), arming everybody is not a solution to gun crime not even practical (no matter how much some gun enthusiasts would like it to be.
  16. As it is in the interests to gun sellers to sell as many guns as possible, it should not be up to the gun sellers to determine who should be allowed to own a gun.
  17. It would be difficult but possible to prevent most of the people who should not be allowed to have guns from having them, to reduce the number of guns in the hands of people who should not have them, and to reduce the number of gun deaths (accidental and deliberate) in the USA.

Another thought I had about this recently: In some senses, gun ownership is already de facto illegal (and has incredibly harsh penalties), even if it is technically legal. If a police officer thinks you have a gun and feels threatened by you, he can shoot you dead (effectively acting as judge, jury and executioner for the "crime" of gun ownership) and suffer no legal consequences. This is a risk for all gun owners (and, to a lesser extent, gun non-owners) whether or not the gun is "by the book" legal.

Cool stuff you can't find on the web

Saturday, November 3rd, 2007

Every so often, I think of something - perhaps a book, television programme or computer game - that I remember but that I have lost or have no record of. Usually when that happens, I turn to the web - a simple search and I have a massive amount of information on whatever it is in no time.

However, sometimes it doesn't work. For whatever reason, the collective consciousness has failed to remember some things. A few of these are recorded here, but since I'm relying on my memory, some facts may be inaccurate.

Fire was a computer game I used to have a copy of, but it was destroyed by the Dir II virus. You had to fly a helicopter through 8 levels, blowing up various things including hot air balloons, planes and a train (which constituted level 2). Then there were some levels over water, where you had to destroy boats, and some over desert, where you had destroy tanks and ground-to-air missile launchers. The really amazing thing about this game was the parallax scrolling - I'd never seen anything like it on the 8MHz 8086 I played it on. It had CGA and EGA graphics modes. The title screen (which took up most of the first of the two 360K floppy disks the game came on) was beautifully atmospheric, with the helicopter flying in front of the sun and stopping in the middle. Then there was this brilliant (and long) bit of sampled soundtrack. There was some documentation, but it was in French. When I asked Jim Leonard of Mobygames, he hadn't heard of it but said it sounded like a game by Loriciels. I found some screenshots for another Loriciels game on the web and the graphics did have a similar sort of style. I'd really like to play this again, but searching for "Fire" in the context of computer games is a somewhat futile exercise.

[Update!] - Fire wasn't by Loriciels at all but by New Deal Productions. I have found information about versions for the Amstrad CPC, Amiga and Atari ST, but still haven't found the PC version.

[Update!] - Found it! (at It can run from a hard drive in theory but the contents of the zip file need to be in the root directory for it to work. I seem to recall that to run it from 2 360Kb disks, the CGA and EGA directories need to be on disk 2 and everything else on disk 1. Start with "fire c" for CGA graphics, "fire e" for EGA graphics or "fire h" for Hercules graphics. The documentation also mentions "fire v" but that doesn't seem to work. This is probably because there's no vga graphics directory (it was also missing on the copy I had on floppies). The sampled soundtrack 52.7 seconds of 4-bit samples at 9.322KHz (1/384 of the NTSC colour burst frequency). DOSBox plays it fine in all 3 graphics modes, though needs to be slowed down a bit from the default - the game is CPU-speed dependent (unusually for a game made as recently as 1989).

For the most part the game is of very high quality but there are a few rough edges - apart from the VGA graphics problem already mentioned, the game seems too difficult to start with and then very easy once you get the knack of it. This, combined with its rarity, makes me wonder if the PC conversion was unfinished or unreleased.

I used to have a book which (like the "choose your own adventure" series) was divided up into sections, between about 1 and 5 per page. At the end of most of the sections there was a decision to make, with a section number for each choice. There were about 200 sections altogether, and many possible paths through the book. Every time I read it I came across sections I hadn't seen before. The book was also a competition - if you figured out it's secret you had a chance of winning a trip to Disneyland. The plot was that the land was dying, and you had to find a magic word to tell Steeleye the Raven so he could break the spell and restore the land. At one point in the book, you were falling and had to shout "Save me, Steeleye!", holding the feather he gave you at the beginning of the book, in order to get rescued. There were puzzles such as roman numeral codes and liar/truth-teller type things. There was a unicorn near the beginning who gave you a tear which emitted light. There was a talking tree near the end, and there might have been a swarm of bees somewhere. One character says "Deeds, not words" and tries to kill you. The book was published by Ladybird (it was that shape) but I don't remember what it was called or who wrote it.

[Update!] - I now know that the book is called "Steeleye and the lost magic" by Jason Kingsley, illustrated by Jon Davis and pubished in 1987. If anyone can help me find a copy I'd be very grateful to them!

[Update 2!] - I now have a copy of the book! It's a bit shorter than I remembered (only 117 sections) and a bit easier (I've solved it, I think, apart from one cryptic clue) but otherwise very much as I remember. I've scanned it so hopefully soon I'll find time to put it on the web (okay, it would be a copyright infringment, but since the book is out of print I'm sure there would be no harm in it.)

Links which helped me in my quest to find this book:
Demian Katz's Gamebook site -
The Cheesypeas Ladybird book site -
Sadly, both of these websites have since gone missing. Please let me know if you find them.

Comedy wordsmith and Splicer's disease sufferer Creighton Wheeler, who used to appear regularly on
Kevin Greening's weekend morning shows on BBC Radio 1, and now appears somewhat less regularly on Steve Wright's afternoon show on Radio 2.

[Update!] - The part of Creighton Wheeler is performed by Andrew McGibbon. Testbed made two shows about Creighton Wheeler in 2003 for Radio 4, called "Wheeler's Wonder" and "Wheeler's Fortune". Anybody know where I can get a hold of these? Apparently Creighton Wheeler has also appeared on Loose Ends.

Pickwick tell-a-tale tapes (in association with Ladybird books, Pickwick international and Moss Music) - brilliant audio books for children. I have "Treasure Island", "Swiss Family Robinson" and "Gulliver's Travels" but I'm sure there were many more. The voice acting and classical music were great.

[Update!] - Reader James pointed me to this website which is selling these tapes.

Along a similar vein, there used to be a magazine (I think) which came with a tape which had various childrens stories on it. The one I remember was "The thin king and the fat cook" but there were a few on each tape. I had a couple of tapes, but I've lost them now. Maybe they are still at my parents' house somewhere.

[Update!] - This is what I was talking about. Apparently I had "Story Teller 2" parts 5 and 16 and possibly also "Christmas Story Teller" part 2, because the titles Bored Brenda, Noggin And the Birds, The Snow Bear, The Inn Of Donkeys, Shorty The Satellite And The Brigadier, The Nightingale, Hugo And the Man Who Stole Colours, Mole's Winter Welcome, The Tale of the Little Pine Tree and Grogre and the Giant Nasher seem familiar. I remember very little about any of these except that (as I recall) some of them made me feel quite sad. And there was something about a picnic of bread, cheese and apples in one of them. And people getting swallowed up by a bog. Derek Jacobi's voice still makes me think of these stories to this day. It's quite possible that at least some of these tapes were chewed up by my tape player - it used to do that every once in a while (particularly when I stuck things into it - I was a little scientist).

[Update!] - I got a hold of a digital copy of all of the tapes and magazines, and they are just as good as I remember - extremely well done. I have been playing them for Alexander but he's a bit young for them at the moment. I look forward to the day when he is old enough to enjoy them. The one with the picnic was "The Snow Bear", and the sad one was "The Nightingale" (all these stories have happy endings, though). "Mole's Winter Welcome" still brings a tear to my eye.

The A Word A Day entry for 18th December 1998 reads:

Date: Fri Dec 18 00:04:27 EST 1998
Subject: A.Word.A.Day--straight-from-the-shoulder
X-Bonus: We see but dimly through the mists and vapors; \
 Amid these earthly damps \ What seem to us but sad, funeral tapers \
 May be heaven's distant lamps. -Longfellow (1819-1892)

straight-from-the-shoulder (strayt-fruhm-thuh-SHOAL-duhr) adjective

   Frank and forthright: straight-from-the-shoulder reporting.

   "A striking poem called Sequinned ends this way:
        Girl, don't you let that city get away.
        Lift it up, raise it up, slip your arms through
        and take it back to dance.
   This is poetry that speaks to us boldly, straight from the shoulder."
   Natalie Soto, et al., On the Shelf, Rocky Mountain News, 21 Dec 1997.

This week's theme: idioms.

Anyone know who this poem is by and where I can get a copy?

[Update!] My friend Claudine Burgos found the poem. Not on the web, though - by the old-fashioned technique of looking up the archives of the Rocky Mountain News and calling the library to find a copy. The poem is by Allison Adele Hedge Coke and goes:

    Don't tell me you couldn't reach down pick up
    the whole gleaming garment and wear it
    to fancy shawl dance back home. Dancing proud
    in a twenty -four- dollar trinket city.

    All laid out
    shimmering and shining on jet black world
    traffic lights, stret lamps, hot neons, cool fluorescents.

      	swim freeways electric

      	minnows, glittering eyelets on bridges
    bridges lacing up New York and Newark, separate
    sides of a sequined vest.  Borough lights trace out
    webbed wing

    butterfly design, no wasps- mosquitoes even.
    Something ready to fly off the whole metro stretch.
    Some cousin calling:

    Girl, leave your French braids right `cause
      	Cut Nose is goin' ta have it out with you
    Over snagging her sometimes half-side last night.
        She wants to take yoru prize and crown
  	from Red Nations Pow Wow-

    Her eyes painted sharp red at the corners,
    red as the landing light
      	on this plane's wing tip.
    Her plume high and straight, the Empire State,
    while yours falls
      	gently over your part.  But that vest-
    red, green, gold, silver sparkles,
    no one's got more brilliance.
    More elegant that bugle beads and embroidery,
    More stunning than satin and silk.

    Girl, don't you let that city get away,
    Lift it up, raise it, slip your arms through
    And take it back to dance.

The game Willy the Worm was written by a guy called Alan Farmer. Anyone know anything about this game other than what's in the documentation, such as where to obtain the editor, and what the author is doing these days? I'd be particularly interested to know if there was ever a "Willy the Worm II" or a "Pete the Pigeon" game.

[Update!] - A school friend of Alan's sent me some of his software:

I used to have a book called something like "20 Games for the BBC Micro". They were written in BBC BASIC mostly (although there was one - a board game - which was written partly in assembler). You had to type them in. The games included Hunchback, Monty Mole, a Star Wars game and some others I don't remember. How come you can't find downloadable copies of these games to run on an emulator?

[Update!] I since found out what happened to the book - I lent it to a friend of mine and forgot about it. I'll have to try to remember to get it from him next time I see him, and possibly reproduce some of the programs here.

Chris Evans used to do the breakfast show on BBC Radio 1, and every Friday he and his cohorts would sing "The Weekend Song" (or, possibly, "The Friday Song".) Some of the lyrics were "I want Spielberg to focus my camera / I want Versace to dress my dog...".

[Update!] - Someone sent me some more lyrics:

I want to live in a castle,
I want an ocean for a pond,
I want a jumbo jet just to get to work,
Because it always takes me far too long.

I want to skip in the sunshine,
I want to dive into the deep blue sea,
I want to buy an ice cream for the man in the moon,
Because he always shines his light on me.

I want Spielberg to focus my camera,
I want Versace to dress my dog,
I want a current account at the Jodrell Bank,
I want Niagara falls to flush out my bog.

We're all just a drop in the ocean,
And the world's just the size of a pea,
And like a meal for one, it'll soon be gone,
And it's all just a cliché for me.

Anyone got a recording?

"Das Verflixte Hundespiel" by Artus Puzzle. You had nine cardboard squares, and on the side of each square was half a dog (either a head or a tail). There were four different types of dog. You had to arrange the squares into a 3x3 matrix in such a way that the heads and tails matched up. It was very difficult! There are 9! x 48 = 23,781,703,680 different ways of arranging the squares but only 2 solutions. I eventually gave up and wrote a computer program to solve it.

[Update!] - Das Verflixte Hundespiel is still being sold here. Apparently it is Swiss. This isn't exactly the same version I had - the dog illustations on the version I had were different.

A friend of mine remembers having a British version - anyone know anything about it?

My then girlfriend (now wife)'s family bought me a similar puzzle which is even more difficult as it only has one solution. The box and website claim that there are "over 300,000" wrong ways to assemble the pieces but this is a gross underestimate (probably based on 9! = 362,880 permutations, which doesn't include orientations).

[Update!] - Commenter John requested the solver program and solutions. Here they are. It is currently set up to solve the card suits jigsaw version (I don't have the "Das Verflixte Hundespiel" puzzle to hand). It's not a particularly elegant way of coding it (18 nested loops for the tile choices and orientations) but it should be easy to adapt for similar puzzles. There is a project file for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 but the code is portable.

This one isn't for me, but for a friend of mine. Dave writes:

Several years ago, a band called Blind Melon did an acoustic set on a late-night ITV rock/metal show called "Noisy Mothers". Around a month later, the lead singer died of a cocaine overdose, after they'd only released two albums [they released a third posthumously]. I've been trying to track down a recording of that ever since I accidentally taped over it a couple of years ago, before I could transfer the VHS to digital... I'll be impressed if anyone in the world can track a copy down...

Can you help?

[Update!] here is one of the songs from the set.

Some years ago, I remember seeing several episodes of a TV show called "They Who Dare" on BBC2. Each episode was only 10 or 15 minutes long (might have been longer or shorter, I don't remember, but I'm sure it wasn't a full half-hour).

Each episode documented some dare-devil sport such as parachuting, hang-gliding or BASE jumping. One particularly memorable episode featured people jumping out an aeroplane and then parachuting down large holes in the ground. The holes themselves were formed by some unusual natural phenomenon, and were quite spectacular even without people parachuting down them.

Each episode was a real work of art - fusing music and beautiful landscape cinematography with the human drama of people who get their kicks from flying through these scenes in some dangerous fashion. It was so enthralling that I remember regularly finding myself realizing at the end of an episode suddenly realizing that I had actually been watching TV for the past 15 minutes and not actually performing these incredible stunts.

I'd love to get a hold of copies of all the episodes of this show, but have only found single, in-passing mention of it using Google.

Along similar lines, I remember hearing about a 5-minute BBC promotional film short featuring a Helicopter tour around the coast of Britain. I never saw it (except for highlights on Points of View but I remember people saying it was really amazing to watch. I have ever since been kicking myself for missing it.

What is this piece of music? I found it on an episode of This American Life but this piece isn't listed. It isn't on TAL's scoring tracks page either (I think - I listened to them all and didn't hear anything that sounded like it). The world needs a search engine where you can upload a piece of music and find out what it is.

[Update!] - Somebody pointed out that such services already exist - Shazam is one and I think there are several others. Unfortunately they all seem to need an SMS-capable mobile phone which doesn't really help me because I don't have one.

[Update 2!] - John Philips from Bath emailed me with the answer - the song is "At The River" by Groove Armada.

This one is a real long-shot, since there is almost nothing to go on.

There is a childrens book I remember reading as a child, but I remember almost nothing about it. I remember that I read it in the childrens' section of Goring library, and it may have been about some children going into space. I think it was (at least mostly) a picture book. I have a vague recollection of one of the illustrations being of something like this (possibly in the middle of a large room, possibly aboard an alien spaceship - though that could just be a mental picture I formed at the time). I don't know that I would even recognize it if I saw it. I do remember that I felt amazingly inspired by it at the time and I have a feeling it may have influenced my life greatly.

I recently visited Goring Library again for the first time in more than 19 years. It was very much like I remembered (though as one would expect it seemed smaller than I had remembered). Unfortunately (with the exception of some Meg, Mog and Owl books I had completely forgotten the existence of) all the books I that were around when I was a child seemed to have been replaced.

So to sum up, this book:

  • Was written for children
  • Has colour illustrations
  • Was published in the UK in 1988 or before
  • Has a science-fictiony sort of story, possibly involving aliens

Any suggestions about books that might fit these criteria?

From Ben Davis, via Dave:

Just wondering if anyone remember a game called 'Prunes' for the BBC computer?

I tried searching the Internet the other day, but amazingly the Internet seems to contain absolutely no knowledge of the game's existence. :/

I remember it well enough to remake it last night :) I'm just still getting to grips with the fact that it seems to be completely unknown to the world.


You are "the last of the Giant Prunes", aka the white pixel leaving a cyan trail. You have to surround the "Giant Figs" (red pixels moving randomly and leaving a magenta trail), and then touch a blue-yellow flashing pixel, at which point any fully surrounded magenta regions turn green. Unfortunately there's no win condition (in mine or in the original), so you eventually end up with what resembles a cyan and green world map and nothing to do.

It's a pretty faithful remake. Apart from exact dimensions and timings and stuff like that, the only bits I couldn't remember were the scoring mechanism and the behaviour when a blue helper prune (which eats through fig trails for you) touches a flashing pixel. The sound effects are missing from my version, which is a shame since they had bags of character.

Executables (insert standard disclaimer here yada yada): (DOS) (Windows)

Source - compiles with Allegro on some other platforms like Linux and Mac:

Maybe I'll launch a full-scale investigation to find out who made the original game and make sure they know that they are awesome.

My suspicion is that this was never actually published anywhere - that it was just something coded by a secondary school student over a few lunchtimes (probably starting with the random walk used by the figs and blue things - I coded that up algorithm myself shortly after learning C), evolved into a game and possibly got passed around on disk. It has a Qix-like feel to it so may have been inspired by that. The simple graphics, the fact that it's not winnable and the fact that it's relatively easy to get to a stalemate situation all point to an unpublished, one person job. However, it would be interesting to track down the original version and/or it's author.

Wrong number

Sunday, May 20th, 2007

Phone rings.

Me: Hello?
Random woman at the other end: It's raining and it's cold so come home right now.
Me: I'm sorry, I think you must have the wrong number.
RW: Just come home right now.
Me: I... am home.
RW: Ok. Bye.

Robot squirrel

Sunday, April 29th, 2007

When I first arrived at Microsoft I had a few days to settle in before I actually started work. I took the opportunity on one of these days to wander through the campus so I would know where to go on my first day, and to just explore a little. At one point on my walk I noticed a squirrel sitting on top of a fencepost staring it me, its eyes following me as I walked. I wondered (not seriously) if it was a robotic squirrel invented by the research department.

Bananas on the answerphone

Sunday, April 8th, 2007

My parents' answering machine used to live on top of the filing cabinet, right next to the fruit bowl. My mother eats lots of fruit so this fruit bowl is often overloaded. One time it was so overloaded that while my mother was trying to extract a piece of fruit, a bunch of bananas fell out onto the answering machine. Unluckily, the bananas happened to push the "record outgoing message" button just as my mother exclaimed "Oh, bananas on the answerphone". Then we had "bananas on the answerphone" on the answerphone (as the outgoing message, until someone realized and re-recorded the message).