Archive for the ‘philosophy’ Category

Secrets and leaks

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

The idea that states should have the capability to keep secrets from their citizens often seems to be taken for granted. Clearly there are cases where states should be able to keep secrets (it is doubtful, for instance, that the allied powers would have won the second world war if the cracking of the German Enigma code had not been kept secret). But lately I've been of the opinion that this privilege should be extremely limited, and should only be used in the most extreme of circumstances.

From Wikileaks, we have learned that states are keeping things secret even when it is not in the interests of citizens or justice for those things to be secret. Sometimes these secrets are kept to protect special interests, or to avoid embarrassment to those in power. Keeping such things secret is antithetical to informed democracy.

I would like to see a system of checks and balances to avoid abuse of state secrets. Wikileaks forms (informally) one such check - as long as they redact things that really do need to be kept secret (for example information that would reveal the identities of undercover operatives). As far I have been able to tell they have done this. However, it does require individual leakers to put their careers (and sometimes even their very freedom) in jeopardy and can therefore only go so far alone. A good additional balance would be to make it illegal for the government to withhold information from the public without good reason. Then if something is leaked which reveals that secrets have been kept unjustifiably, the secret-keepers could be prosecuted on that basis.

An alternative (or complementary) approach would be for a (trusted) third party to hold on to all government information, and to publicly release all the information that doesn't need to be kept secret. Determining which is which isn't free, so there would need to be some kind of penalty for revealing information which endangers operatives. Then, to prevent this organization from just redacting everything there would need to be an economic incentive to release as much (non-endangering) information as possible. Then there would have to be some process for keeping these rates properly tuned to avoid too much information being withheld or released. This tuning process would have to be done with public input (to make sure the balance doesn't swing too far one way or the other) but can't be done by the normal government (or there would be too much temptation to just turn the secrecy level way up). So it essentially needs to be made a whole new branch of government, with that responsibility and no other. Tricky.

I am a monad

Saturday, July 17th, 2010

In the programming language Haskell, it is normal to work with functions that depend only on their input values, and which do nothing except return an output value. Functional programming is generally much easier to reason about, because there's no chance of one piece of a program making a change to global state that affects an apparently unrelated part of the program.

This does leave the problem of how a function program can communicate with the outside world. Various approaches have been tried, and the one Haskell chooses is particularly elegant. Functions that need to accept input or produce output take an IO object as a parameter and produce a (generally different) IO object as the result. The IO object "encapsulates" the entire world outside the program. To actually run a Haskell program, the machine performs a sequence of IO transformations - taking one IO object, evaluating the program as much as necessary to determine the next IO object, and then actually performing the corresponding input or output operation before restarting the loop.

So there's a sort of inversion between how we normally think about function evaluation and how the evaluation actually happens. One can't really pass around the entire state of the universe as a parameter the way a C programmer would pass an int, so one must fake it by moving the "state of the universe" to the outside of the program and rearranging everything else so that it works the same way as it would if you could.

I can't prove it, but I think there's a very deep idea here with implications for how we understand the universe and our place in it. Much like pure functions can't describe IO, it seems like physics as we understand it can't describe human consciousness (in particular, subjective experience). Some suggest that this means consciousness is an illusion, but this has never been a satisfying answer to me.

Physics is done by describing the universe objectively - there are these particles at these positions and such and such a field had value x over here at this time (somewhat like values in a Haskell program). There are rules describing how the state of the universe evolves through time (somewhat like pure functions). But none of these things really seem to be able to describe what it is like to "feel" seeing the colour red (for example). Physics can describe a stream of 700nm wavelength photons hitting a retina, causing neurons to fire in particular patterns, some of which resemble the patterns that have occurred when the same retina received 700nm photons previously. These patterns then provoke other patterns which previously occurred in conjunction with the "700nm" patterns, and cause the release of small amounts of hormones. Understanding this system completely (which admittedly we don't) would allow one to (in principle) predict exactly which previous experiences would be recalled by any given stimulus, and might even allow one to predict exactly how the stimulated individual would react. But none of this seems to be able to tell us what experiencing red is actually like because we have no way to describe subjective experiences objectively.

We experience the universe entirely from a subjective point of view - through our senses. The objective model is useful because it allows us to reason, communicate and simulate but I suspect that in saying that objective reality is the real thing and subjective reality is just an illusion, we would be making a mistake and not seeing the forest for the trees.

Instead, I would like to suggest that we perform the same inversion that the Haskell compiler does. Instead of thinking of human beings as unexplained (possibly unexplainable) things within an objective universe, think of them as the IO hooks of the universe: input from free will (assuming that it exists) and output to subjective experience. This IO doesn't (necessarily) go to "another universe" - it's just a primitive, axiomatic thing that may have no more relevance to our objective universe than the implementation details of the IO monad do to a pure functional Haskell program. Experiencing life is running the program.

One important difference between the universe and a Haskell program is that a Haskell program only has one IO monad, but the universe seems to have many subjective observers in it. Having multiple IO monads would be a problem for a Haskell program because the IO monad defines how the program is actually evaluated - there's only one "real universe" for it to run in. But there's no problem having multiple non-IO monads - if the monads can't communicate with each other through the outside world (only through the program) you can have as many of them as you like. Since people can't communicate with each other except through the physical universe, there's no problem here.

Does this mean that one observer in the universe is priviliged to be the "IO monad" whilst everyone else is a p-zombie? From the point of view of that observer, it certainly seems like that is a possible way of thinking about it, but since there's no objective difference between an IO monad and a non-IO monad (as long as the monads only communicate objectively), I'm not sure the distinction is meaningful.

I am not (just) a strange loop

Sunday, July 4th, 2010

A while back, I read Douglas Hofstadter's book "I am a strange loop". As one might expect from Hofstadter, it's a fascinating book packed with good ideas. However, it happens that I disagree with someone of them. Hofstadter believes that the human brain fundamentally works in an entirely mechanistic, deterministic manner and that all of the mysteries of consciousness can be explained in terms of symbols being triggered by other symbols in the brain. Our subjective "awareness" is, according to Hofstadter, just an illusion - a hallucination. I'm not convinced by this - the concept of a hallucination implies that there is something (someone) there to experience the hallucination. But if a hallucination has an experience, how can it be a hallucination? It's sort of like how the concept of "creating time" is meaningless, because the concept of creation implies a time before and a time after.

If "souls" (or whatever less loaded word you'd prefer to use to mean the part of us which has subjective experiences) are not made of particles or patterns of particles, how do they get distributed so that there's one per human brain? I think that's asking the wrong question, because it presupposes that souls are localized entities like particles. I think there are many other possibilities. Unfortunately because we have no way to do experiments on subjective experience, answering this question seems to be out of the reach of science (at least for the moment).

Guns would not be useful against a tyrannical government

Monday, October 26th, 2009

Gun enthusiasts in the US often claim that it's important that citizens can bear arms in order to protect against a government that has become tyrannical. However, I don't think that argument really holds water - it seems to me to be a rather outlandish fantasy that a group of citizens could overthrow the government.

For a tyrannical government to have any effect, the power structures between it and the people would still have to be largely in place - in particular, the military and the police would have to be still taking orders from the government. But any given individual citizen gun-owner would be vastly outgunned by the military, which has access to far more powerful weapons. So an extremely large number of individual gun owners would be needed. I have no idea how many, but it would probably have to be several times the size of the US standing army, so in the multiple millions. But if the government failed to convince all those millions of people that it is not a tyranny, how could it have convinced the military and the police?

A far more useful tool against tyranny is an educated and well-informed population. If you can't pull the wool over the eyes of the people, you also can't pull the wool over the eyes of the agencies enforcing the will of the government. For this reason it's far more important that people get accurate and unbiased news than it is that guns are kept legal. If a tyrannical government does emerge (and there are some indications that it already has) it will be because the people have been lied to, not because they don't have enough guns. And frankly, the state of most mainstream news is so bad that this does seem to be a real danger.

It's very important that we all have a good understanding of current affairs. To do this we should:

  • Avoid getting our news from just one source, or from sources with similar bias.
  • Check the facts - follow up on the references and follow the chains of evidence back to the source wherever possible.
  • Know our fallacies
  • Disregard news sources that rely on unsubstantiated rumour ("Some say that...")
  • Be particularly wary of religious arguments, since in religion not only is objective evidence lacking, but searching for it is actively discouraged.

People are colonies

Sunday, October 25th, 2009

When I first learned that the human body was made up of trillions of cells I was fascinated. These cells are almost like small organisms themselves - they grow, reproduce, consume and respond just as the organism itself does. It's almost as if the human body is a colony, not just an individual. In fact, it seems very likely that the first multicellular organisms were actually colonies of individuals which stuck together and began to evolve as a group, not just as individuals.

Another fascinating fact that I learned recently is that there are more bacterial cells than human cells in a human body - though they are much smaller they are about 10 times more numerous. It's sort of like how we keep animals of different species like cows and chickens in our macroscopic communities.

Even our human cells aren't "pure human" - they contain mitochondria which have their own DNA and almost certainly evolved from a separate line if you go back far enough in history. It's almost like life is fractal (though the self-similarity doesn't descend infinitely).

That makes me wonder if colonies act as individuals on a much larger scale. If we colonise the universe could we end up with societies that are complex enough to have an awareness of their own? Could we ever, as individuals, become aware of this awareness? Presumably (because of the speed of light) such awareness would be much slower than ours and generations could be born and die in the time it takes for a single thought to happen in on the "higher level". However, because we (unlike our cells) are intelligent beings, we could presumably read the writings that such a being had made over the course of history. Such a being would be a God, in a sense, as it would transcend us, but wouldn't necessarily be omnipotent, omniscient or kind, and certainly wouldn't have created the universe.

Quantum immortality and omnipotence

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

I've mentioned before the possibility that the universe could exist entirely for our benefit, and that the existence of subjective observers could be inextricably intertwined with the origin and fate of the universe.

Occasionally I've wondered if subjective observers could directly control the objective universe via thought alone (rather than relying on clumsy appendages) if only we knew how. It's a delightful thought, though one that seems rather like wishful thinking. It also seems like something we would have discovered already if it was possible, since it would be a great evolutionary advantage.

Well, the other day I thought of a way it might be able to (sort of) work, through the concept of quantum immortality. I will illustrate this by explaining a method for winning the lottery. First, you have to buy a ticket (the numbers don't matter, except that, as with any lottery system you probably want to pick numbers that other people haven't picked to minimize your chances of having to share the prize). Wait for the draw, and if you don't win, kill yourself (hey, I didn't say it would be an easy or fun method of winning the lottery). Quantum immortality means that your consciousness will continue in only the parallel universes where you won, so that's what you experience.

Don't worry, I'm not about to try this or recommend that anyone else does - my belief in quantum immortality isn't sufficiently strong for me to bet my life on it. Even if it was, it would be very cruel to friends and family left behind in those non-winning parallel universes. Also, even if one was certain of quantum immortality, one would also have to have a suicide method more reliable than winning the lottery (or one would be more likely to experience survival due to failure than due to winning, probably with a debilitating injury). Finally, one would have to reliably entangle the suicide to not-winning-the-lottery - make sure that having a change of heart between the latter and the former would be less likely than winning.

It's interesting that the superpowers of immortality and omnipotence can be linked like this. However, it still leaves me looking for a more practical method of imposing my will on the universe.

Does the human brain tap into a third form of computing?

Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

There are two forms of computing currently thought to be possible in our universe. One is the classical, deterministic computing that we all know and love. Many people think the human brain is a kind of (very large and complicated) classical computer. However, it is still unknown whether (and if so, how) a classical computer can give rise to consciousness and subjective experience.

The second form of computing is quantum computing, where you essentially run a pile of classical computers in superposition and allow their outputs to interfere in order to obtain the result. Anything quantum computers can do can also be done by classical computers (albeit much more slowly). The human brain might be a quantum computer, but (unless there's something about quantum computing that we don't yet understand) that still doesn't solve the problem of consciousness.

A third form of computing is possible if you have a time machine. I've speculated before that the human brain could be a time travelling computer. These computers are faster still than quantum computers, but still can't compute anything that can't in principle (given long enough) be computed by a classical computer, so this still doesn't solve the consciousness problem.

Could it be that by accident of evolution the human brain has tapped into a form of computing that is qualitatively different from classical computing, much as birds and bees have tapped into a qualitatively different method of flying (flapping) than the method use in our aeroplanes? While this smells of dualism, I think it's a possibility that can't be fully discounted without a complete theory of physics.

One such qualitatively different form of computing is the infinity machine. This can verify true things in finite time even if there is no finite proof that those things are true. Thus it can find completely new truths that are not provable by conventional mathematics.

It seems rather unlikely that the infinity machine is possible in our universe (quantum mechanics puts an absolute limit on clock speed) but there could be other forms of computation that we've just never thought of.

Penrose's Orchestrated Objective Reduction theory is one such possibility.

What would constitute a proof of God?

Monday, October 19th, 2009

One argument that theists sometimes bring up in arguments with atheists is "What proof would convince you of the existence of God?" the implication being that the existence of the universe and all the wonderful things in it is proof enough.

Well, if you define God as just being the things we don't understand (currently the big bang and the mysteries of the human mind) then that's a valid argument, but the resulting God is just the "God of the gaps" who has been shrinking rapidly as science improves. Pretty much everything else in the universe (excepting only a few relatively minor details) we have good working scientific theories about. I think eventually we'll come to understand scientifically both the human mind and the big bang as well (in fact, I think it will not be possible to understand either without the other).

Most theists don't seem to believe in just a God who created the universe at the beginning and then left it alone - they believe things like "praying works". This suggests a simple test involving praying for (for example) heads in a coin toss and then seeing if there is any statistically measurable effect. Once an effect is found, the experiment could be refined to determine which religion and sect has the most effective prayers. Theology would become a science. Theists will usually claim that prayers don't work that way, but ultimately they either work or they don't, and if they do work then that effect can be observed and experimented on. I understand some such experiments have been done, and have shown no statistically significant effects with the possible exception of medical patients who know they are being prayed for. This can be attributed to the placebo effect.

Another example of such a possible proof comes from the observation that "if God is so great, why does he keep needing money to fix church roofs?" I would find it a very compelling piece of evidence towards God's existence if consecrated buildings did not suffer the same kinds of wear and tear that unconsecrated buildings do.

What does supernatural actually mean?

Thursday, October 8th, 2009

I was discussing philosophy with a theist friend recently and the argument "this only applies to natural things and God is supernatural so this doesn't apply" came up. I've seen this argument in other debates as well, but I have to confess that I don't completely understand it. What does "supernatural" actually mean? The dictionary definition that seems to best apply is "unexplainable by natural law or phenomena".

There's two possible meanings to that. One is "unexplainable by the laws of physics as they are currently known" and the other is "unexplainable by the laws of physics even if we knew them all".

The existence of supernatural things of the first type is not denied by any sufficiently well-informed scientist - it's no secret that the laws of physics are incomplete. One possible example might be the details of the event horizon around a black hole - at small scales this requires a theory of quantum gravity, which we don't yet have. I think we'll eventually eliminate all such supernatural things by having a complete theory of physics.

I suspect theists would therefore prefer the second definition. But does this definition even make any sense? What would it mean for there to be phenomena in our universe for which no physical theory could be described to explain? Well, supernatural phenomena of that sort of can be said to exist too - when a quantum variable is measured and the wavefunction collapses, the result isn't necessarily determined by anything in the universe. But I don't see any theists suggesting that God acts on the universe by deciding how each and every wavefunction collapse occurs, despite the apparent omnipotence that such power would grant. I suspect this is because this would eliminate any possibility of human free will - quantum wavefunction collapse is part of all physical processes, so controlling quantum wavefunction collapse would mean controlling all our thoughts and actions. There would be no will except the will of God possible, making all religion (and indeed everything) rather pointless.

It seems to me there are philosophical reasons to reject the concept of a non-random supernatural process - if something is non-random there is some sort of (at least partially) predictable pattern to it, which means one could come up with a law of physics to describe that pattern, which means it's no longer supernatural. "Predictable" only means predictable in principle, though, not predictable in practice. Chaitin's constant (the probability that a random program will halt if run for long enough) for example isn't random but is uncomputable in the sense that only a finite number of its digits could be determined by any finite algorithm. Curiously, this number could be thought of as omniscient - it encompasses all mathematical knowledge (since it can be used as an oracle to solve the halting problem) but a number (even a real, uncomputable one) doesn't seem like it could match the theists' descriptions of God as having certain properties like compassion and goodness.

As well as the gaps in our knowledge of physics and the gaps caused by quantum improbability, there are also gaps due to the fact that there are some real world phenomena which we just can't do experiments on for one reason or another. We can't do experiments on UFOs because we can't predict when and where they will show up (though I'm sure that if one did show up in a suitably equipped science lab, laws of physics could be found to describe it).

Another thing we can't do physics on is subjective experience, simply because it's subjective. We don't currently have any technology by which one person can experience what it's like to be another person (and even if we did, there is no objective way to be sure that it's the same experience for both people - one can't compare subjective things with objective things). All we can do is ask people to report on their subjective experiences, and a personal report isn't as reliable a piece of evidence as a repeatable experiment.

Each one of us can't even be truly sure that other human beings actually *have* subjective experiences - maybe they're just p-zombies who say they do. It's a useful working hypothesis to assume that they do, though (and the opposite assumption would be rather dangerous for all concerned).

So perhaps God is Himself a subjective experience. That certainly dovetails with some things that theists say, like "I know God is in my heart and I've experienced His love, but I have no way to prove that to you". And objective evidence of God does seem to be rather thin on the ground, to put it mildly. If this is what God is then I am a teeny bit jealous of theists for having that experience that I never had (even when I was a theist, went to church, prayed regularly etc.).

If neuroscientists are able to generate religious feelings in others by stimulation of their temporal lobes with magnetic fields then, objectively, that suggests that religious experiences (at least these ones) are "fake" in the sense that there is no "objective God" causing them. But on the other hand, why should we treat subjective experiences as less "real" than objective reality? What could be more real to someone than something they have experienced first hand? By that logic, hallucinations caused by drugs or schizophrenia should also be considered "real" in this subjective sense.

Objective reality, on the other hand, consists of the things that we can in principle (given sufficient experimental data and suitable application of logic) convince other rational human beings of - in other words the things that we can in principle (if we're honest) all agree upon. As such, only objectively verifiable things should be used as a basis for public policy.

Disproof of God

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

It's pretty easy to prove that God didn't create the universe, given just a couple of very uncontroversial postulates and the definitions of the words "universe" and "God" as most people understand them.

  • Define the causal closure of a point in space-time X to be X plus the causal closure of any points that could influence X or be influenced by it.
    Define the universe (which we'll also call the "L-universe") as the causal closure of planet Earth as it is today. (If you dislike the use of "planet Earth" or "as it is today" in this proof, you can substitute it for some other subset of the universe that is alleged to be created by God.)
  • Postulate that if A created B then A influenced B. This is a pretty trivial postulate - creation of something is obviously a kind of influence over that thing.
  • Postulate that creators cannot create themselves. This is also pretty trivial - the concept of creation of an X implies that there is a time before the X exists and a time after which X exists. The creator of X must exist in both of these times, but the creation can only exist in the latter.

Suppose that the universe was created by God.

  • This implies that planet Earth was created by God (planet Earth is part of the universe).
  • This implies that God influenced planet Earth (creation is a sort of influence).
  • This implies that God is in the causal closure of planet Earth (definition of causal closure).
  • This implies that God is part of the universe (definition of universe).
  • This implies that God could not have created the universe (creators are not part of their creations).
  • Which is a contradiction. Therefore, the universe did not have a creator.

This is a formalization of the common "If God created the universe, who created God?" argument but sidesteps the possibility of a creatorless God or a God created by another God by including all such Gods in the larger L-universe.

This suggests that to believe in God, one must have a different definition of "universe" (call it "S-universe") which is a subset of the "L-universe". This brings us to the real value of this proof - any argument for the existence of God that doesn't distinguish between the L-universe and the S-universe must be invalid, because to be true it would have to apply to the S-universe (for which there can be a God) but not to the L-universe (for which we have already seen that there isn't). Some examples of such arguments:

  • We don't know how the universe was created, so let's just define God to be whatever created the universe.
  • The universe seems well suited to our needs.
  • Anything of sufficient complexity must have had an intelligent creator.