Archive for the ‘humour’ Category

Drinking and breathing

Monday, May 10th, 2004

So we went to see Stephen Wright (no, not Steve Wright) at The Moore last week. My belief that he is the funniest person in the history of the universe was confirmed. I have never laughed so hard for so long in my life - it felt so good. I laughed so much I nearly had to be carried out of the theater on a stretcher - no really! I was getting so much oxygen that my hands and legs started tingling due to the change in pH of my blood. Fortunately I recognized the symptoms - the same thing had happened to me on a boat in Florida on New Year's Day - I was breathing deeply to try to combat the seasickness, and ended up laying on the deck unable to move or see, and almost passing out.

So I tried very hard to laugh/breathe less, which was really hard because the guy was so funny. Some highlights: "They have digital numbers now", "She was wearing unscented perfume - the sort that comes in a little empty bottle" and "I'm writing an unauthorized autobiography".

If you really want to understand British people, you could do a lot worse than reading this. What a chore researching that must have been...