Photographs - Lundy Island

The sea from the road down to Clovelly.

Morning mist at Clovelly.

Hartland point.

Shark! This is a basking shark, the largest fish found off British waters. It eats plankton and is not dangerous to humans.

Lundy island.

These rocks are called Rat Island and Mouse Island.

The Devil's Kitchen. There are lots of places called The Devil's something-or-other on Lundy, possibly because it's such a wild and remote island.

The east coast of Lundy.

Lundy's church.

Rocket Pole Pond. The pole sticking up in the background would be the Rocket Pole, I assume. I have no idea what it's for, though.

A Raven on South West point.

Devil's Limekiln - a big hole in the steeply sloping ground.

A view down Devil's Limekiln. It's quite scary to get this close.

The Old Lighthouse.

Some of Lundy's ponies.

Remains of the Quarterwall cottages.

Lundy's sheep have the run of the island - they are fenced out of the village rather than fenced in a field.

A secret pool we found, full of huge goldfish.

View of the south east peninsula of the island, showing the new South Lighthouse, the Jetty where the MS Oldenburg is moored, Rat Island and Mouse Island.

The remains of a wall on the cliff - purpose unknown.

This rock formation is called Mouse Hole and Trap.

Seals can be seen sunbathing on the rocks on the North part of the island. I went swimming with them.

The island in its entirety.

Clovelly trickles down the cliff to the sea.

Our faithful ship for the day, the Jessica Hettie.


Lundy Island
The Jessica Hettie

3 Responses to “Photographs - Lundy Island”

  1. Chas says:

    I saw the goldfish too in 2000- thought I was hallucinating!

  2. Norman says:

    Thank you for reminding me of great times on Lundy sailing from Portishead then Porlock Weir,have looked down the lime kiln as you say scary.My last visit was in 1995.Is the battery still there used to warn ships when the old light was in fog before the present North and South lights were built.

    Kind regards Norman

  3. Frank Arnold says:

    Well done, that's the only photograph I've seen looking right down!

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