Stack measuring

We generally do what we can to make programs reliable, but there is one particular cause of software failure which seems to have been surprisingly under-attacked. Probably because it is fairly rare in real-world situations. That failure is stack overflow.

Many real-world programs have recursive algorithms where the recursion depth depends on user input and is unchecked, and where the activation records are allocated on the stack. Current computer systems do not recover well from stack overflow (you generally get an access violation which the program cannot recover from because it is in an unknown state). This means that it is possible to supply input which crashes the program.

The compiler for my ideal language will detect when a program uses a potentially unbound recursion and allocate the activation records for such functions on the heap instead of the stack. This means that calling such a function can potentially throw an out of memory exception, which is much easier to recover from than a stack overflow (since we still have a stack to work with, and because the state of the program is well-defined - as far as the calling function is concerned the called function threw an exception and as far as the called function is concerned it never got called.)

A nice side effect of this is that now every function with an empty set exception specification has a well defined maximum stack size, which means that when you create a thread you know exactly how much stack it needs. This means stack guard pages are no longer necessary (stack can be treated just like any other area of memory) and potentially means that threads that perform small tasks can be created with very little overhead, possibly making thread pools unnecessary.

A programmer can track the maximum stack size of every thread in their application. If a change causes the stack size to increase dramatically this may be due to calling a very high-level function from a very low-level function, which may indicate a bug. Similarly, adding recursion without realizing it also indicates a possible bug, so it would be nice if the compiler could also alert the programmer to that.

One Response to “Stack measuring”

  1. [...] that there are all kinds of checks and optimizations that cannot be performed (like some of the stack tricks I mentioned a while [...]

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