Sequence types in ALFE

This is part of the ALFE types series.

[Foo] is the type of an immutable sequence of Foo values (the sequence itself is immutable but the values in it are not necessarily immutable). It is syntactic sugar for Sequence<Foo>. It has methods "Boolean isEmpty()", "Foo first()" and "[Foo] rest()". As usual the actual implementation is up to the compiler (and may even be different for the same sequence in different parts of the same program). Values like [], [foo] and [foo1, foo2] are allowed.

There is also a special operator for creating sequences of consecutive integers: "..". It's closed on the left and open on the right, so 0..5 is equivalent to [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]. Infinite sequences like 0.. are also allowed, since there's no need in the Sequence<> interface to know how many elements there are up front. I'd like to have consecutive sequences that count up in steps other than 1, but I haven't decided on a good syntax for that yet. Python's extended slicing syntax is quite nice, but I think ".." is more natural than ":", and I already have quite a lot of meanings for the latter.

The sequence type can also be used as the return type for a generator function:

[Int] primes()
    Primes = Class : [Int] {
        construct(Int m = 2) { n = m; }
        Boolean isEmpty() { return false; }
        Int first() { return n; }
        [Int] rest()
            for (Int m in (n+1)..) {
                Int i = 2;
                while (m/i >= i) {
                    if (m % i == 0)
                    return Primes(m);
        Int n;
    return Primes;

Disregarding the usage of trial division instead of a more efficient sieve of Eratosthenes, it may seem terribly inefficient to create a whole new Primes object each time we get the next element of the sequence. However, it is the expectation that the compiler should inline the entire rest function into the calling loop so that all the object creation and destruction is optimized away.

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