Postel's law revisited

There is a general principle in computing called the Robustness principle or Postel's law, which says that you should be conservative in what you send but liberal in what you accept.

This seems like a no-brainer, but adhering to the principle does have some disadvantages. Being liberal in what you accept introduces extra complexity into software. More problematically, being liberal in what you accept allows others to be less conservative in what they send. Nowhere is this more noticable than HTML. The first web browsers were extremely liberal in what they accepted - allowing HTML that is broken in all sorts of different ways. Many people wrote HTML by hand, tested it on just one browser and then uploaded it. Other browsers would often mis-render the broken HTML, leading people to put little buttons with slogans like "best viewed in Netscape 4" on their pages. As HTML evolved, continuing to accept all this misformed HTML while adding new features became a big headache for browser developers.

Lately, the best practices involve marking your HTML in such a way that browsers will only accept it if it's correct - that way you find out quickly about any mistakes and fix them early.

In general, I think that new protocols should now be designed to have a very simple canonical form and that only data that adheres to this form should be accepted - other data should be rejected as early as possible.

Inputs directly from users can still be interpreted liberally just because it makes computers easier to use, but that data should be transformed as early as possible into canonical form.

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