Map reprojection

Ever wondered what a standard equirectangular projection map of the world would look like if the poles were in different places? Wonder no more! Just click and drag on the map below to move a piece of the world to somewhere else on the map - the rest will follow.

Flash is the best way to do this sort of thing in terms of market penetration, but Actionscript is surprisingly difficult to get started with. Adobe's tools are great, I'm sure, if you want to make animated vector movies but in trying to learn how to use them to do programmatically generated stuff like this I just got lost. Perhaps I just haven't discovered the right bit of documentation. I eventually found this to be a way in to the maze.

I hope to write some more fun little web toys like this in the coming weeks.

Edit: source code.

2 Responses to “Map reprojection”

  1. [...] a vector) you have to allocate an object to put the vector components in, which is very slow. For reproject I ended up just doing everything with plain values in a small number of functions - in C++ the code [...]

  2. [...] Je suis tombé par hasard sur un outil très amusant : Map Reprojection. C’est une petite applet flash qui permet de reprojeter la planisphère en utilisant n’importe quels points comme pôles ! Essayez : par ici ! [...]

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