Language optimized for refactoring

One property of computer languages that is important but often seems to be overlooked is how easy it is to refactor programs written in them.

The one example that springs immediately to mind is renaming a class. In C++ this is a bit more difficult than in many languages because the constructors and destructors have the same name as the class, so you have to go and change all of those too. PHP wins here for calling them __construct and __destruct respectively.

If you are in the school of thought that has C++ method definitions in a separate file (e.g. .cpp) to class declarations (.h), you have to go and change things in two different files (even if you're just adding a method that nobody calls yet). If that class implements an COM interface defined by a .idl file then there's yet another thing you need to change.

Python's syntactically-significant whitespace is another winner here because if (for example) you put another statement in an "if" clause that currently only has one statement, you don't have to add braces.

I'm sure there are many other, deeper examples.

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