Emulation for fun and profit

There's much more that you can do with an emulator than just play old computer games. In fact, I think that the usefulness of emulators is seriously underrated. Here are some useful things I can think of doing with an emulator that has some appropriate extensibility hooks:

  • Debugging. A debugger with an integrated emulator might be able to do the following:
    • Debug a program without the program being able to tell that it is running in a debugger - handy for investigating malware like viruses and DRM.
    • Save (delta) states at each step to make it possible to undo steps or perform backwards-in-time debugging.
    • Debug multi-threaded programs deterministically by simulating multiple threads on a single thread and allowing the user to decide when to context switch.
  • Reverse engineering. The problem of finding the actual code in the binary is Turing-complete in general but if you can find most of the important code by actually running it you can get most of the way there.
  • Static analysis. Finding bugs in code after it's been compiled by running it and (as it runs) checking things that would be difficult to check at compile time (code invariants). For example, assertions might not be compiled into an optimized binary but could be provided as metadata that could be understood by the analyzer. This would be a great help for tracking down those tricky bugs that disappear when you switch to debug binaries.

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