doitclient ported to Windows

In order to write my cycle exact emulator, I need to run a lot of little "experiment" programs on my XT to determine exactly how long various things take. But the machine is bulky and noisy so I'd rather not keep it in the living room. In Seattle I kept it in the workshop downstairs. In Cornwall I'll probably keep it in the garage. I also have a modern PC next to it which is on the network and can reboot the XT, start programs on it and collect the results.

So, in order to remotely run programs on the XT I ultimately needed a way to remotely run programs on the modern PC. I had VNC and remote desktop on the modern PC so I could use that at a pinch, but I really wanted an automatable method - i.e. a command I could run on my laptop that would cause another command to be run on the modern PC. Under Linux this would be easy, but both the modern PC and my laptop run Windows.

I looked at a couple of ways of doing this, psexec and at least one other that I don't remember, but everything I tried was rubbish - either too slow, didn't work at all, or ran in a context which didn't include my network drive mappings (which made it kind of useless for running a program I had just built locally). I thought about writing a simple TCP client/server app to do what I wanted, then I decided to check to see if anyone had already written such a thing. Of course someone has, and I was not entirely surprised (nor at all displeased) to find out that the someone was Simon Tatham. Unfortunately DoIt has one minor problem which made it impossible to use as-is for my scenario - the client part (the part that runs on the machine which dispatches the commands) is a Unix program. Fortunately it's a pretty simple C program and I was able to port it to run on Windows with just a few changes. Here's the port, with a binary, diff, modified source code and a Visual Studio project file.

I suppose I could set up some wireless serial connections instead of using a separate PC which would make this entire post redundant. It'd probably even save money in electricity bills in the long run. For now, though, I decided to work with the hardware I have.

3 Responses to “doitclient ported to Windows”

  1. Cd-MaN says:

    Great posts! It is always interesting to see information about old hardware.

    I know that you've solved your problem, but here is a quick follow up idea just in case: you could use the net command ( to manipulate shares.

    • Andrew says:

      I'm not sure how that would help - I had already got the shares set up, I just needed a way to programmatically execute commands on the remote machine in a context in which those shares were available.

  2. [...] to be able to control the TV from the computer - to turn it on from another room, run a CGA program remotely, view the result over a webcam and then turn it off [...]

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