Desktop security silver bullet

Suppose there was a way to write a desktop operating system in such a way that no malware (defined as any software running on a user's system that puts the interests of its authors before the interests of the user) could have any ill-effects? Would it be implemented? Probably in open-source, but I don't think Apple or Microsoft would include such technologies. Why? Because they wish to put their interests ahead of their users, running code on customers machines which implements such malware as copy-prevention (DRM), anti-cheating mechanisms in games and debugger detectors. Such a security system would make it very easy to work around such bad behaviour (it's always possible to work around it, but currently not always easy).

If such a security mechanism is possible, I think the way to do it would be through API subversion. When process A starts process B, it can ask the OS to redirect any system calls that process B makes to process A, which can then do what it likes with them - anything from passing them on to the OS unchanged to pretending to be the OS to process B. Since malware (on a well-designed OS) will need to use system calls to find out anything about its environment, it is impossible for process B to tell whether it has been subverted or not. Any filing system operation can be sandboxed to make process B think it has changed critical system files. Even the clock APIs can be subverted to make process B think it is running as fast as it should be.

Once this infrastructure is in place, you can sandbox (say) your web browser to be able to make no changes outside its cache, cookies and downloads directories. Any untrusted processes can do essentially nothing to the system without being given permission by the user, but they can't even tell whether that permission has been given or not, so it makes no sense for them to even ask for it. This essentially solves the "dancing bunnies" problem - any requests by malware to have extended capabilities can (and most likely will) be ignored, since the user would have to go through extra steps to do so, and these steps in no way make dancing bunnies any more likely to appear.

One problem with this scheme is that the time it takes to do a system call is multiplied by the number of subversion layers it goes through. One can't use in-process calls because then the malware would be able to examine and modify the system calls by reading and writing its own process memory. So one would need to use the techniques described here.

One Response to “Desktop security silver bullet”

  1. [...] invasive. I hope that in the future our computer systems are architected to make it trivial to subvert such malware, but where does that leave players of on-line games who want to avoid playing against [...]

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