Blackberry cobbler

For the weekend's recipes we will turn to desserts (or, as we call them where I'm from, puddings). I haven't made up any pudding recipes so both this one and tomorrow's are from Mum.

This one works best if you pick the blackberries yourself. I've only made it a couple of times myself - the first was in Cambridge and it turned out absolutely perfect. The second was in Redmond and it was inedible (I'm not sure if the blackberries I used were the wrong species or too old, but some of them left streaks of black instead of red in the bowl and tasted awful.)

  • 1lb blackberries
  • 2oz sugar
  • 1tsp lemon juice
  • 0.5oz butter

For the topping:

  • 4oz plain flour
  • 2tsps baking powder
  • 0.5tsp salt
  • 1 egg
  • 2oz castor sugar
  • 4 tbsps milk
  • 2oz melted butter

Put the blackberries in an oven proof dish, sprinkle them with the sugar and lemon juice and dot it with the butter cut into little bits.

If you have a food processor, put all of it except the butter into the machine and whizz it up then pour the melted butter in through the spout. Otherwise:-

Break the egg into a bowl, add the sugar and beat it well to mix. Stir in the milk and melted butter. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into an separate bowl and them add it gradually into the egg etc beating it to get a smooth batter. Pour it over the blackberries and cook it in the oven 180°C or gas 4 for 30 - 35 mins.

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