Reference trees for ravioli

One thing that always bothered me about ravioli memory is that deleting a node can take O(n) time because the raviolo that was moved into the new gap might have a large number of pointers pointing to it. While the behavior will probably be O(1) amortized, it's quite possible to have a pathological case when deleting a large chunk of memory, leading to O(n2) behavior. Though that could probably be mitigated by not moving any ravioli until we're done deleting (i.e. having separate deallocation and move steps).

Or we could turn the move operation from O(n) to O(1) by limiting the number of pointers which can point at any raviolo. We can do this by having two types of ravioli:

  1. The normal type, which is pointed to by exactly one pointer. Each normal raviolo has a "parent" entry which points to that pointer.
  2. The reverse type, which can only point to one other raviolo (the "target") but which has two ravioli pointing to it. Each reverse raviolo has two "parent" entries which point to those pointers.

So, if you dereference a pointer expecting to find a normal raviolo but instead find a reverse raviolo, you need to (repeatedly) follow the "target" pointer of the reverse raviolo until you find a normal one. This may have to happen O(log(n)) times, so there is an additional cost to dereferencing (although array and object dereferencing is already O(log(n)) with the previous ravioli.) In return, moving (and hence deleting) becomes O(1) as there are at most 2 pointers to update. So this type of ravioli might be better for applications where the data is changed a lot, whereas the earlier type might be better for applications where the data mostly doesn't change but is queried a lot.

With this scheme, each raviolo only needs 4 pointer-sized entries: one for the vtable, one for the parent pointer (or target pointer for a reverse raviolo) and two for normal pointers (parent pointers for a reverse raviolo). Though (possibly depending on the type of data involved) it might be worth using 8-pointer ravioli to make the trees shallower and reduce overhead. 8-pointer reference tree ravioli could also interoperate with linked-list ravioli.

For an array of simple data, 4-pointer ravioli has an overhead of 300%. However, such arrays are growable/shrinkable for no extra cost, and you can even insert and delete elements in the middle without copying the entire array. 8-pointer ravioli has an overhead of 60%.

Modifying a pointer also involves O(log(n)) operations, as it may involve rebalancing the reference tree (the tree of reverse ravioli pointing to the old and new targets of the pointer). It could actually take much longer than that if you're deleting the last reference to a large data structure, since you'd have to delete all those ravioli. That's true for all reference counting systems, though, and there's no scope for pathological behavior since any given raviolo can only be deleted once.

The set of ravioli in a program at any given point in time form a graph. It would be interesting to visualize these graphs for a complicated program and see what patterns they make and how they change with time. This would also be a useful debugging tool - especially if you can delve into the actual values in each raviolo.

One Response to “Reference trees for ravioli”

  1. andreas says:

    i have written a test in basic. this is as follows: you get shown (by degree of difficulty) a number of cards to keep in memory. after you are sure to continue. the screen is being cleared and you are shown only the remaining "cards" the issue is there are no symbols in basic for heart diamonds and pique
    have a look here:
    the source code is available at

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