ALFE build system

When I finally get around to building my ideal language, it will have a linker and build system built in. It seems very silly to write your code in one language, your makefile in another, your configure script in a third etc.

The compiler will be invoked with the name of one source file on the command line, and that source file includes all the other required source files by means of an "include" statement which works similarly to the "#include" of C and C++, but never includes any given actual file more than once.

The program can also specify the name of the output file to generate, which can be a binary (.exe or .dll for Windows, or equivalent on other platforms) or intermediate file to be used with a C or C++ linker (.obj or .lib, or equivalent). Similarly, object and library files can be included just as source files can.

On a first pass through the program, the compiler will enumerate the complete set of input files and check their timestamps. If no input files are more recent than the output file, compilation will stop early.

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