Why writing web applications is fiddly

When you want to add some functionality to a web application, there are many pieces you have to change. First you have to add some interface element (a button maybe) to a page. Then you have to add some client-side code to get this button to do something. Most of the time you'll want that action to have some server-side effect as well, so you have to make that button send a request and implement that request in the server side code. The server will generally want to send something back the client based on the result of that request, so you have to figure out what that something is and make sure the client does the right thing with it (especially fiddly if the client is AJAX-based). That response may itself contain another possible user action, so each new feature can end up creating a whole new request/response conversation.

As well as just writing this conversation, one has to consider all the things that can go wrong (both accidentally and deliberately). Requests and responses might not reach their destinations. If they do get there they might be reordered by the network along the way. Requests might be fraudulently and so on.

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