Conspiracy theories

I enjoy a good conspiracy theory, be it about Roswell aliens in Area 51, Princess Diana being killed by a hitman working for the Queen, or Elvis being alive and well and living in Norway/Dunedin/North Moravia. I guess it's because I'd love to believe that there are secrets which, if widely known, would turn the entire world on its head.

So it was with some delight that I found the 9/11 research site. It does actually stop short of saying "we think that George W. Bush and his cronies organized the whole thing and that the WTC towers were destroyed by explosives", but only just. I'm not completely convinced by their arguments. For one thing, I can't imagine how anyone could have wired up the towers with demolition explosives without enough people finding out about it that someone would have spilt the beans. For all their secrecy, the Bush administration leaks information like a sieve, and I very much doubt all of those leaks are on purpose.

However, it is interesting to read all the unanswered questions about that day, like:

  1. What was up with all the airline stock shorts, unusual credit-card transactions and warned government officials/business leaders before the attacks?
  2. Why were the hijacked flights not intercepted?
  3. How did a jet-fuel fuelled fire get hot enough to melt steel supporting columns?
  4. Why did the towers collapse vertically and at almost free-fall speeds?
  5. How come the surveillance video of the plane hitting the Pentagon has never been released?
  6. Why does the Bin Laden look nothing like himself in the video purporting to show him confessing to the attacks?

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  1. [...] a bunch of bits of abandoned post after the end of the finished post. For example, at the end of my post from two days ago I almost deleted the following pile of [...]

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