Classes vs structures in ALFE

A lot of the time in my C++ code I find myself writing class hierarchies. However, because of the way that inheritance works in C++, you need to use a pointer to point to an object which is of a particular type or some subtype of that type. In my code these pointers tend to be reference counted smart pointers to alleviate thinking about lifetime issues but the principle is the same.

Then, because I don't want to have to keep typing "Reference foo" everywhere, I encapsulate these smart pointers into value classes which provide functions that call the (virtual) functions in the implementation class. So I end up with code like this:

class Foo
    Foo() : _implementation(new Implementation) { }
    void frob() { _implementation->frob(); }
    Foo(Implementation* implementation) : _implementation(implementation) { }
    class Implementation : public ReferenceCounted
        virtual void frob() { ... }
    Reference<Implementation> _implementation;
class Bar : public Foo
    Bar() : Foo(new Implementation) { }
    class Implementation : public Foo::Implementation
        virtual void frob() { ... }

That's really more boilerplate than I want to write for every class. I'd really much rather write code that looks more like C# or Java:

class Foo
    public Foo() { }
    public virtual void frob() { ... }
class Bar
    public Bar() { }
    public override void frob() { ... }

So I'm thinking that in ALFE I should have some syntax that looks close to the latter and behaves like the former. I'm leaning towards making "Struct" behave like C++ struct and class (i.e. a value type), and "Class" behave like a C# class (reference semantics). So:

Foo = Structure : Reference<Implementation> {
    Foo() : base(new Implementation) { }
    Void frob() { referent()->frob(); }
    Foo(Implementation* implementation) : base(implementation) { }
    Implementation = Structure : ReferenceCounted {
        virtual Void frob() { ... }
Bar = Structure : Foo {
    Bar() : Foo(new Implementation) { }
    Implementation = Structure : Foo.Implementation {
        virtual Void frob() { ... }

is the same as:

Foo = Class {
    Foo() { }
    virtual Void frob() { ... }
Bar = Class : Foo {
    Bar() { }
    virtual Void frob() { ... }

There is a comparison to be made here between POD (Plain Old Data) and non-POD classes in C++ (though it's not quite the same because the Implementation classes would be non-POD in C++).

Obviously there's a lot of details here which would need to be fleshed out but I think something along these lines would be useful.

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