Archive for the ‘humour’ Category

Thanks to Clarie

Friday, February 3rd, 2006

I'm just sayin'.

Why pirates are better than ninjas

Sunday, January 29th, 2006

It seems the battle between pirates and ninjas rages on. But after careful reflection, I'm going to have to side with the pirates on this one. While I'm sure ninjas are extremely well trained and very good at what they do, a pirate's life is much richer and freer, and just plain more fun! Ninjas must spend so much of their lives training to perfect their ultimate fighting skills, they don't have time to really enjoy life.

Pirates understand romance. They know how a faded and torn map leading to buried treasure really inspires the imagination. I think this sense of romance comes from living in such harmony with the sea. They know the joy of an invigorating breeze of salty air. What do Ninjas know of joy? Nothing - joy would just be a distraction to them.

The piratical life is very sociable. You live in close quarters with a bunch of friends. You drink a lot (fresh water spoils fast on the open ocean so beer and rum is what there is). Ninjas don't have any sort of social lives - they trust no-one.

You know what else is great about pirates? Prosthetics! Eye patches, peg legs, hooks for hands - you name any body part and some pirate somewhere has an artifical one. Completely awesome!

And for all their talent and training, Ninjas aren't so undefeatable. They can really only win by sneaking up on people or poisoning them in their sleep. A ninja with a sword is no match for a pirate with a flintlock pistol - the pirate would just shoot the ninja dead before he got within a sword's length. And Ninjas' hovering powers? They work great in trees and on ceilings, but fail utterly over water, the natural habital of pirates.

I'm just sayin'

Thursday, January 26th, 2006

Our cable modem seems to be out. I have Jerry-rigged some rudimentary internet access using some ancient technology called a "modem". It's very slow.


I'm just sayin'.

Snakes on a plane on a plane

Thursday, January 19th, 2006

So I hear there is this movie coming out sometime later this year Snakes on a Plane, which I am sure is destined to become a cult classic. Gennie squealed earlier when she thought she saw a trailer for it on TV (it turned out to be another Samuel L. Jackson vehicle). Then she started talking about Snakes on a Plane and how we need to see it as soon as it comes out.

I said that what would be ever better still would be to wait a bit and then go on a trip somewhere far enough away that they show movies on a plane. I think you see where this is going - wouldn't it be awesome to watch Snakes on a Plane ON A PLANE!

No, I have not been drinking.

Hot porn

Saturday, November 26th, 2005

I showed this to the wife this morning and she said I should post it.

The Lego Imperial Death Star II

Saturday, September 10th, 2005

Is it so wrong that I want one of these? At 3449 pieces, it is the largest lego set ever made. Yeah, despite the mortgage and forthcoming wedding I am still a child at heart. I really hope that when I have children of my own they like Lego and will let me play with it with them.

Talking of Lego, do you why Americans call Lego bricks "Legos"? It's because they needed somewhere to put the "s" from "maths". Thank you very much - I'll be here all night. Try the chicken.

Pope joke

Friday, September 9th, 2005

When the pope was elected I made this joke to Gennie and she said I should post it.

So the new pope will be called Pope XVI Benedict. I wonder if the pope from 6 Benedicts ago was called Pope X Benedict (eggs benedict - get it?)

Yeah, I know, it's pretty awful.

Questionable Content

Saturday, July 16th, 2005

I've spent the last couple of days reading through the archives of Questionable Content after my friend Christopher linked to one of the strips. I do enjoy a good webcomic, and that is one of my new favourites.

This panel did make me wonder, though, if the author has been spying on Gennie and me:

Now I'm off to read the new Harry Potter book.

Two posts in one day! You lucky, lucky people.

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2004

I had a meeting with my manager's manager today. Managers' managers at Microsoft like to have a chat with their direct reports' direct reports occasionally to make sure they're happy there, that everything is going to plan and to give them a chance to tell them anything they might not want to tell their managers directly.

(By the way, those of you who don't know where to put your apostrophies, or who get the words "their", "they're" and "there" mixed up might want to study the previous paragraph in detail and bookmark this post for future reference. You know who you are.)

Anyway, most of said meeting went very well - I talked about some of the features that I thought it was important that we implement, and justified these with my theories on how the uses of Pocket PCs and Smartphones will change in the future. However, at one point in the conversation I did a terrible thing - a thing of which I am greatly ashamed. I used the word "paradigm". I couldn't help it. Words were coming out of my mouth, and as the thought formed and turned into a sentence I could see that word coming but could do nothing to stop it. The good, decent part of my brain was screaming "find a synomym, quick, you moron" but I couldn't think of one before it was too late and the word was out there in the air like a particularly malodorous flatulation.

Please comment with your suggestions on how I should atone for this atrocity.

Thought for the day

Wednesday, June 16th, 2004

When people buy houses and make improvements to them, invariably some walls are removed ("We'll knock through here" or "Let's pull this wall down and make this all one big space"). But you never hear of people putting up new walls as part of home improvements ("I think we need a wall here"). So either the average number of walls per house is falling rapidly (clearly an unsustainable situation) or new walls are creeping in from somewhere else. I suspect it is a bit like mould in some houses - "damn, another new wall has sprung up - we'll have to knock through here". I wonder how bad it gets - maybe some people have to keep a sledgehammer by the bed in order to be able to leave the bedroom in the morning.

Anyway, go and play this flash game. It will make you happy.